Managing and Testing Spinal Pain
Many people will see a chiropractor for Neck Pain, Low back Pain and Headaches. In this article we will focus on Spinal Nerve root pain from the neck and lower back. In a research article it was demonstrated that a mere 3mm movement of the cranial vertebral body can decrease as much as 40% to 45% of the hole that the nerve runs through (1). This is usually in response to disc degeneration (Osteo Arthritis) that can narrow the inter-vertebral foramen (IVF). The IVF is the hole that the nerve exits from the spine. An example of this is the nerve to the arm or leg. WOW! This goes to show how important protecting the stability of our spine is. When we look at a person’s history, presenting complaint and imaging we can usually diagnose where the pain is coming from. That then helps us manage that person’s pain. For example if pain is in the neck only or also into the arm this distinguishing feature is one of many that is very important for us. The same as if it is on the back only, or going down to the knee or past the knee into the foot. Even symptoms such as radicular pain going into a body part versus an aching pain are important to us. Aching pain into the buttock, low back or upper thigh for example can be perpetuated by fibrotic adhesions (scar tissue) and not so much from a disc issue. There are tests to help us determine if a disc is the issue or of the issue is the scar tissue around the verve. There are then exercises that can be given if the issue is scar tissue. We manage all of these cases very differently! When you come in a thorough clinical history and physical examination that we run helps guide the clinician in the diagnosis. If you or someone you know has experienced an injury or pain in your neck, arm, low back legs or thigh that won’t go away, call us to get an appointment to see whether we can help you. Don’t put up with symptoms that may progress and upset your quality of life! References
AuthorBlogs by the team at Sprouting Health Archives
December 2024
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