Musculoskeletal Acupuncture is a system that uses traditional Acupuncture points the musculoskeletal setting.
Diagnosis is used via the Western model of orthopaedic testing and injury referral, as well as palpation. Musculoskeletal Acupuncture also incorporates the use of Trigger Point Therapy.
The cross-over between Musculoskeletal Acupuncture and Trigger Point Therapy can be used in conjunction with Chiropractic to help facilitate the healing process of a wide variety of musculoskeletal aliments.
Spouting Health Chiropractic may incorporate acupuncture into our treatments where we believe it will assist our patients to reach their full health potential.
Contact our Newcastle West, Maitland or Mackay clinics to book an appointment.
Diagnosis is used via the Western model of orthopaedic testing and injury referral, as well as palpation. Musculoskeletal Acupuncture also incorporates the use of Trigger Point Therapy.
The cross-over between Musculoskeletal Acupuncture and Trigger Point Therapy can be used in conjunction with Chiropractic to help facilitate the healing process of a wide variety of musculoskeletal aliments.
Spouting Health Chiropractic may incorporate acupuncture into our treatments where we believe it will assist our patients to reach their full health potential.
Contact our Newcastle West, Maitland or Mackay clinics to book an appointment.